Having fun is just as important as being safe while doing it. A little extra time and care in the beginning of a session can save you hours that you might otherwise spend in the emergency room. Here are some tips to consider before riding your new board.
- Always wear safety gear: helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and wristguards. The helmet should fit properly (snug but not too tight with a chin strap) and meet the standards set by ANSI, ASTM, CPSC or EN1078.
- Give your board a safety check before you ride. Check the skateboard for wear and tear. Check all nuts and bolts regularly to make sure they're tight, including wheels and kingpin nuts. Know how to adjust your trucks. Tightening the nut on the kingpin makes them more stable at higher speeds.
- Be sure to know how to stop before you start skating.
- Observe traffic and areas where you cannot skate safely.
- Learn to fall - practice falling on a soft surface or grass.In a fall, the idea is to land on the fleshy parts of your body. If you fall, try to roll rather than absorb the force with your arms.
- Never hitch a ride from a car, bus, truck, or bicycle etc.
- Know your limits and skate within them. Be aware and considerate of others, especially younger and/or less skilled skaters.
- Know what to do in an emergency. Skateboarding accidents happen, so you should always know what to do in emergency situations. Don’t panic. Call 911 for medical assistance or an ambulance.